DeskJet supports many types of paper, including textured stationery, and even some fabrics as well. High-quality DeskJet printers can print up to 28 pages per minute. These printers have an average printing speed of 7-8 pages per minute and are best to use at homes or small offices. DeskJet technology has developed so prominently that the most cost friendly printers create best quality images. DeskJet Printers are the affordable products of HP on the market. Buy HP Printers in Pakistanat for the best pricesĭeskJet Printers is just an official name for inkjet printers which are made by Hewlett-Packard. There are various types of printers that HP manufactures. These printers have gone down in cost and up in its performance and functionality over the years. HP contains various printers and all-in-one models that color print as well as black and white. Every model offers a different user experience. you the most durable printers, and HP categorizes its printers in terms of quality and price. Some are perfect to use at homes others are ideal to use at the offices where more usage of printers is required. HP makes all kinds of printers, and their quality is too good. Hewlett-Packard (HP) is a world renowned manufacturer of printers. A Printeris an external device that receives visual output, texts, and images from a computer and shifts the data to standard size sheets of papers.